Thursday, August 20, 2009

think they're related?

top: Frida at 3 days
bottom: Sam at 6 days

(Upon being shown this pairing, Sam says, totally blasé, "All babies look the same, y'know.")

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

she's finally here

Name story (and eventually more pics) here.

important jobs

A couple of days ago, in the morning:

Sam: Mommy, I’m going poo. It’s your turn to wipe.
(I’m in (early? pre? who knows) labor, and so delegate this to J, who’s having breakfast… Sam can wipe himself but does better with supervision.)
Sam: OK, Daddy, it’s your turn to wipe.
(He whispers urgently to me, before heading to the bathroom) Mommy, you need to make sure Daddy’s food doesn’t get moldy.
me: OK, I’ll watch his food and make sure to chase the mold away while he’s wiping you.
Sam: OK, you both have important jobs.

Friday, August 07, 2009

pics from Martha's Vineyard

Sam does a classic 4-year-old fake smile when posing:

so it takes a little art to get him to look genuine:

This is not the house we rent. This is about 4x the size.

still pregnant

I promised a friend I'd post a picture of my 9-month-pregnant belly, but haven't taken it yet. And I apologize for writing about not-Sam on Sam's blog (stay tuned for info about a new, Sam+baby blog). But I kind of liked the two metaphors I came up with this past week, one to describe how it feels to be walking around 9 months pregnant with a baby who "dropped" a couple of weeks ago (to a grad student in the lab who's male and hasn't had much of anything to do with pregnancy), and the second to describe how it feels to know that labor could happen Any Minute Now (but maybe not for another couple of weeks).

The first: Imagine you have intestinal cramps, and also a coconut shoved up your butt, and also 30 extra pounds strapped to your front. Now walk around and try to be cheerful!

The second: Imagine you have to run a marathon (or something similarly both physically and mentally grueling). You are as ready as you can be, that's not the problem. The thing is that you could be stopped at any time, day or night, and told to START RIGHT NOW. And in the meantime, you're supposed to go about normal life.
lalala sleeping: START RUNNING NOW
lalala working: START RUNNING NOW
lalala eating dinner: START RUNNING NOW

(Yes, I realize that labor starts a bit slower than this most of the time. But when you've been walking around with off-and-on crampiness for two weeks, it really is Any Minute Now, but also Maybe Not For A While. So yeah, it makes me a little pissy.)

In Sam news: two weeks of preschool left, then two weeks off, then kindergarten starting right after Labor Day! We had a lovely playdate/meetup organized by his new school, for incoming kindergartners/junior-kindergartners (the classes are all mixed, as is the whole school-- JK/K, 1/2, 3/4, etc). So we met some of his future classmates, but since they haven't yet determined who's going to be in which classroom we don't know which of the kids we met will be in Sam's class vs. in neighboring classes (there are 5 JK/K classrooms). Hopefully we'll hear next week; there's another playdate/meetup scheduled for next week as well.

Yesterday after we got home J. was heading out to buy some bread and cheese and lettuce (from the nearby Fancy Gourmet Food Store) to supplement the zucchini frittata planned for dinner. He asked if Sam wanted to join him-- Sam usually loves visiting this store, because he gets to sample all the cheeses. Sam said, though, that he wanted to go for a *plain* walk (i.e. one where "you don't go anywhere"), so we promised we'd go after dinner, especially because it was a nice not-too-hot evening. And we did-- a long walk, me waddling determinedly and Sam alternating between running ahead (he's finally gotten reliable about checking driveways as he passes them, turning his head and calling out "No cars!") and holding hands so he can jump over cracks or swing on J's arm. We're definitely enjoying our last bit of time as a family-of-three, even while anxiously awaiting the arrival of the next member of our family...