Saturday, September 30, 2006

2 things, 2 pics

GEB posted eloquently a couple of days ago about the recent Senate display of cowardice (or whatever it is called when people utterly fail at their jobs in order to continue to hold their jobs). Ugh.

In snudge-related news, though, I have two cute things to report.

When Sam says words that begin with an "S" sound, he pronounces them as though they begin with "H". He has no trouble saying word-final S's, or S's in the middle of words, but he'll sit on a step or stool and say "heat!", or will call loudly "huck!" when he's trying to get somewhere and can't make it through. (That's "stuck" for you not fluent in toddler-ese.) You can probably see where this is going... just this week, he's started looking in the mirror, or at his image in photos or on J's laptop background, pointing, and exclaiming, "Ham!" Hee.

This morning, J. was shaving, and Sam wandered into the bathroom holding his baby doll*. J. asked if he wanted to dance with the doll. We've both, especially J., been dancing while holding Sam since he was mere weeks old, to lots of different kinds of music, but often (and beloved by S.) to Boynton's "Cows" song from the Philadelphia Chickens album. Aaaanyway, Sam promptly started bouncing while holding the doll up, going "doo doo doo" just like his Daddy does when he sings "Cows, du-doo doo doo, We're remarkable cows..."

* Yes, we are the kind of parents who buy our male child a baby doll. It's blue, though, not pink. But duh, we want him to develop his nurturing side. And it's working, see?

We had more than 40 people over, not including babes-in-carriers/arms, for a housewarming party today. It was a good way to make ourselves finish setting the place up, and to sort-of acknowledge all of the dinner-invitation debts we've managed to accrue already. But Sam seemed more cranky and clingy than usual, even given the crowd (and had been whiny all morning before a long nap), and sure enough by half-way through the party, he was feeling distinctly warm. Another kid at his daycare was out with a fever Thursday and Friday, and it looks like the virus found another home. Grr... J's traveling all week, and I have to give two lectures and a talk... should be interesting.

In a happier vein, here are two recent pics. More coming when I figure out how to download pics from my new camera.

Spunky in overalls:

Last night after his bath, Sam spontaneously decided that doing splits (he can't quite manage one, but comes close) is fun. (Not the greatest pic, but I hope you can figure out what he's doing here.)


twinkle-bot said...

Aww, Ham in Overalls. What could be cuter??

GEB said...

Hee hee. It sounds like the little ham knows whereof he speaks! He's absolutely adorable.

E's s-words all start with a "d." Maybe it's a good thing she doesn't have occasion to greet Sam these days?

Sorry about the illness, and hope the little guy is feeling better and that your schedule hasn't been too nuts.