Saturday, October 28, 2006


Just a few recent pics.

We decorated a Sukkah at Sam's Aunt N and Uncle J’s house (where he got to meet his third? cousin Nate. Aunt N is Grandma’s first cousin, and Nate is her grandkid, so Sam and Nate are the same generation, 3 cousinships removed.

And his pumpkin hat from M. still fits! yay! and his chickens sweater from D. and family, which they gave us when he was born, fits perfectly now! He kept going 'bok bok bok' all day, and also no longer yanks hats off his head instantly, so we were able to get this cute pic:

Sam really likes the program AlphaBaby (and it’s freeware for Macs!) It prints whatever letter key he hits in colorful caps while cuing the computer voice to say the letter out loud. If he hits non-letter keys, shapes come up with a random mac noise.

(And no, we don’t as a rule let him play with the laptop on his own, I just backed up to take the pic.)

He's still a fan of kneebouncers , too, and requests "tains!" frequently when he sees one of us at our laptop (which, um, he sees a LOT. The glowing Apple logo is probably the most recognizable brand in his world, right now...)

What is it with the stuffing-the-mouth-too-full-to-chew thing? Sam does this at least once a meal, and then gets frustrated and spits out the entire contents onto his tray. It’s like he’s so excited to be consuming food that he loses track of the mechanics of it—food into mouth, chew, swallow, repeat- and gets stuck at the first step: food into mouth, food into mouth, food into mouth...

Omi is visiting, cooking us tons of yummy food and watching Sam so his parents can get more work done. This morning we went to the pool together (though it was a bit cold—it took Sam a while to stop clinging to me and shivering—and parking by the university athletic center? nonexistent. So irritating. But I digress...) then ran a couple of errands in pouring rain while Sam conked out in his carseat. Then Sam and Omi played all afternoon, building towers and tunnels with his blocks, coloring, cutting playdough shapes with the cookie cutters, reading books, eating strawberry Pockys (treat from Omi, which he looooves). Then while Omi and I were making dinner, J was inspired by the block tunnel to go one better than his big towers of late—he made an arch. (And Sam ran around afterwards announcing, “arch! arch!” which had to have been gratifying.)

Here's Sam dancing (to "Cows", of course) with his monkey, in front of the arch:


twinkle-bot said...

Nothing cuter than a punkinhead Ham! Although I think that the mouth-too-full picture might take the, um, cake. . .

Sarah and Jack said...

Shhhhh! Don't tell Jack that Sam can get Pocky. (Or me for that matter, what is it with those delicious strawberry chocolates in Japan??? Or that darling fabric? Oh man, and the sewing patterns? I would go crazy if I had a Japanese source for my fix! LOL) I laughed out loud at the making chicken noises, Sam is too cute.

GEB said...

Wow, I am so impressed that Sam has the strength of will to let such an impresive arch stay standing! And I think the mouth-too-full picture gives a glimpse of a slightly older, ever-as-cute Sam emerging.

A. said...

t-bot: I am so psyched that he can still wear the hat! although it's so warm here the last couple of days that he's going hatless.

sarah: I was so sorry to read about your halloween vandals. Asshats. And yeah, pocky rules. Sam isn't allowed them as a general rule, but Omi visits are a special occasion (-:

g: I was trying to decide between the picture I posted (showcasing the arch) and the previous one, in which he'd just knocked down that arch's previous incarnation. "Crash!" Um, yeah. Sometimes he lets them stand, but we don't count on it.