Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Sammy Spider

Kind of hard to make out the details, but here's Sam in spider mode last night. We didn't go trick-or-treating, but visited our friends in the house next door. Sam totally got the idea of the costume, too, somewhat surprisingly ("Sam, what are you? What's Sammy?" "Pider. Sam pider.") I brought it to Costume Day at daycare today (they don't do holidays, but the kids could bring in costumes today for a parade and some trading-costumes dress-up time).


GEB said...

Trading costume dress-up time--what a brilliant idea! Great way to spread the fun around and to help with that feeling (maybe at a slightly older age) of "Aw man, I wish I'd been THAT!"

Sarah and Jack said...

Awww, Sam looks darling. (And Jack would like you to know that you have a "punkin there" and that "punkin has k".) LOL

Sarah and Jack said...

LOL, I am guessing he said "punkin has k" because it has a letter 'k' in it, but, that is only a guess. (He is starting to recognize letters in words.) I just tell it like he says it!