Friday, March 06, 2009


Sam coloring furiously on his Doodle Pad: "I'm making a concept."
I look over his shoulder, note only that he's colored in just about the whole surface. "What's a concept, Sam?"
"It's when you color the whole thing black."
"Where did you learn that?"
"On television."

Hm. This is what happens when I sleep in past the end of kids' programming on PBS on a Saturday morning, apparently.

In other news, we're picking up Sam's new bike from the bike shop tomorrow. Even though there's still a fair bit of snow on the ground, he and I are both excited. Hopefully the snow will clear enough for him to ride it soon-- maybe even on his birthday weekend (in two weeks). It has removable pedals, so it functions first as a balance bike and then as a real bike w/pedals, hopefully skipping right over the training wheel phase.

And next weekend we'll have 14(ish) 3-5-year-olds in our home (yes, our 1100 square foot home), not to mention their parents, for Sam's birthday party. That should be interesting. Sam's Omi is coming for a few days to help out and celebrate with him. At the end of the following weekend we'll head down to FL for some warmth and another celebration w/Grandma and Grandpa. Pics coming soon!

1 comment:

GEB said...

Happy Birthday to Sam, in anticipation! I have such warm associations with this time of year now, thinking of it as the time when Edith's closest cohort of buds began to be born. I'll be curious to hear how the birthday party goes; I'm steeling myself for the idea that this is probably the first year we're going to have to really do that whole shebang.