Sunday, April 23, 2006

FL for Pesach

A couple of weeks ago we had a baby shower for Sam's first babysitter, who's become a friend (and is expecting her first baby next month). The friend who hosted the shower has a dog, and Sam was fascinated with her water bowl. Since the food bowl was empty, and the dog remarkably well-trained and tolerant, Sam was allowed to play in the water bowl while we cleaned up after brunch:

He spent a good half hour enthralled, scooping water out of the water bowl with a tupperware lid and dumping it into the food bowl.

A couple of days after the shower we went to visit Sam's paternal grandparents in Florida. Sam experienced his first Passover seder, though he didn't quite manage the 4 questions, and went to sleep before it was time to look for the afikomen. He was a big fan of matzoh balls, though. He also enjoyed daily swims in Grandma and Grandpa's pool, especially playing with the waterfall from the hot tub into the pool:

We went to the beach on our last morning in Florida and 'swam' a bit there. The water was warm and the waves barely lapped at the shore, and unlike his previous beach trip-- to Delaware last September-- he wasn't a bit scared of the water, and didn't try to eat sand at all. I'm guessing we'll be spending a lot more time at the beach in future FL visits. The only downside was that playing in the waves so exhausted him that he conked out afterwards for a good 2 hours, so wasn't the slightest bit tired for the flight home. He's slept on almost every one of the flights we've taken him on-- yes, we've been very lucky-- but this time he was wide awake, cheerful, and wanting to be mobile for all three hours of the flight. We'd brought a new book, and both of us read it at least 5 times, complete with many doggie noises. The nice lady sitting next to J. also helped entertain him. But we were still exhausted by the time we got home. This made me consider Benadryl for the upcoming flight to Japan much more seriously.

A final bit of good news: We found an apartment! It gets tons of light from all sides, has a nice little balcony and a great little shared yard with a patio and a garden. Hardwood floors throughout, in great shape, de-leaded, usable kitchen, plenty of space. It's about a fifteen minute walk to our future offices (and thus to Sam's future daycare). And there's a guest bedroom, so we're looking forward to hosting friends and family. It's funny to think that this will be the first place Sam remembers living...

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