Monday, April 03, 2006

one year pics

Now that I've got a bit of content up here, I'm going to send out the address for this site. Hi, folks!

We finally got around to taking some official one-year-old portraits yesterday. Any votes for the most-frameable? (Note: You can click on any of these for a full-size version.)

Then we came inside and did some finger-painting. Well, I did some finger-painting. You can see what Sam did. Good thing I thought to strip him down beforehand. He still doesn't seem to get the 'intentional making of marks on paper' aspect of painting, so I think we'll wait a bit before trying it again.

Tonight we had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner, with salad. Sam had meatballs, and some steamed carrots (he had had a snack of raisin bread and O's about an hour before). Sam looooooves meatballs. We lost count, but he had either 6 or 7. These aren't huge meatballs, mind you, but for comparison, that's about the number that I ate. (And I didn't have any raisin bread or O's beforehand, either.)

In other news, Sam's definitely developing a sense of humor, though his humor tends to the physical: A couple of nights ago, he lost his balance while walking and sat down. This happens about once every two or three minutes these days, but since I was paying attention at that moment, I said "boom!" and Sam thought that was funny. He stood up again, then squatted down suddenly and very intentionally, and looked at me expectantly. When I said "boom!" again, he cracked up, and spent the next five minutes sticking his bum out or squatting, each time saying "oom!" or waiting for me to do so, then giggling like he'd just made the best joke ever. He remembers it, too: Every time I've said "boom!" since then, he's smiled, done the sudden squat, and said "oom!"

Some good news to close on: We found out today that Sam got a spot at the daycare we were most hoping to get into. We have been on the waiting list for this daycare since LAST JANUARY, when J. first got his job offer. Before he accepted it, mind you: we knew this would be a tough thing, but we didn't realize just how tough. We got on two wait lists then, and several more this winter when we realized that despite the 18-or-so months lead time, we might not still make it into our first choice. Getting in isn't a matter of passing any fancy tests, like those New York City pre-schools you've been reading about; it's just that demand is so high that spots almost never free up, and when they do, siblings of kids already in the daycare are given first priority. We really liked the way this one felt when we visited, and also, it's so close to our offices that we can literally see it from our respective office windows. And also, it's a co-op, meaning that one of us (i.e., me) will spend 2 hours a week helping out there. While this is a nontrivial time commitment, we both liked the idea that we'll have a really good sense of what goes on there during the day, and that the other parents will as well. So, a big sigh of relief; we were starting to think we'd be looking for a nanny next year, though we really didn't want to have to do that for a number of reasons.

1 comment:

GEB said...

All those photos are great, but I think the second one on the right (the close-up with the doors in the background) is the winner!