Friday, May 25, 2007

baa, baa

For the past week or so, if he’s feeling mama-centric (i.e. wants only me, and wants me to himself), Sam has been telling Josh to go away in very specific terms: “Daddy go sleep again.” “Daddy go work again.” This morning as he was waking up as I was getting dressed in the room, J. came in, and Sam crankily ordered him “Daddy go pee on potty.” J., trying to be good-humored, asked, “Is there anything else you’d like Daddy to do?” Sam thought for a minute, then added “Daddy go poop on potty.”

On the other hand, last night when J. was wishing him goodnight and told him “I love you,” Sam replied “I love you.” Melting J’s heart, of course. When asked “Who do you love, Sam?” by J., Sam replies both “Mommy” and “Daddy”, but this was the first time we’ve heard the phrase, even if it was just repeating what he heard.

After his bedtime routine (bath, brushing teeth, clean diaper and pajamas in the big bed, reading books, nursing), when Sam rolls off of the big bed into his own bed with his sippy cup of water, we sometimes sing a song or two. Lately he’s been requesting “Baa, baa black sheep”, and as soon as I start singing, he interrupts. We've had this exact exchange 4 or 5 times now:
me: Baa, baa...
Sam: Wanna go see a sheep.
me: OK, maybe some time soon we can go to a farm and see a sheep.
Sam: A black one!
me: Maybe there will be a black one.
Sam: A soft one!
me: Yup, I bet it will be soft.
He seems satisfied with this and so we continue with the song. I think we’ll head to Drumlin Farm some time soon.

Sam got a pull-string wooden puzzle alligator from India, thereby increasing his pull-string wooden alligator collection to two. Which he spontaneously decided he should pull at the same time. He does this frequently these days, clothed or no...

(The soft focus is not me being artsy, it's me figuring out how to use different flash settings on the camera...)

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