Monday, May 14, 2007

whip it in the bug

Our (that is, J's and my) friend India visited us this past week, which was a lifesaver because J. was in full-on grant mode, and having another adult around-- especially one who really got Sam, how to communicate with him and entertain him and pacify him-- not to mention one with whom I really really enjoyed catching up on the 3.5 years since we last saw each other-- was very nice. She was preceded by Sam's Aunt L. and by our friend L., both of whom were similarly helpful and lovely to have around. Who could ask for more than guests who bring bottles of wine, cook for us, play with Sam, have ideas for collaborative experiments, do the dishes, help proofread/shorten J's grant, help paint a mural at the daycare, and keep me company? The past two weeks have made communal living seem, well, at least not as far-fetched as it might otherwise.

One of the nights when India was here, I had a bit of a sore throat, so we ordered pizza instead of cooking or going out for something more interesting. I was worrying aloud about the prospect of getting sick, so I. suggested soothingly that I go to bed early and nip it in the bud. Sam loved the sound of that and repeated several times, "Whip it in the bug!" I think I'm going to switch to that formulation from now on.

The next morning at breakfast, Sam was singing nonsense words to himself over his waffle.
India: Is that a song by Sam?
Sam: (pause) Bye, Sam!
India: Bye, Sam!
Sam: Bye, India!

In the week since I posted last, he seems to have gotten first vs. second-person pronouns mostly figured out.

More pics soon; in the humidity we've had recently, Sam's hair gets so curly that he really looks like his daddy.

1 comment:

GEB said...

Hee hee. I think I'm going to start using "whip it in the bug," too. Great instinct for turns of phrase, Sam! I loved that I knew what it meant before I even read the post.