Tuesday, January 27, 2009


OK, it's official: Sam's brother or sister is due August 10th. Or thereabouts. We saw the heartbeat today.

Of course, after this past summer, we are still cautious at this stage: we saw a heartbeat then too, and then two weeks later heartbreak. But we're optimistic.

But in the meantime, the very nice ultrasound tech printed a separate blurry picture just for Sam, which he examined very closely this evening with his magnifying glass (he is convinced of the magical power of magnifying glasses and microscopes after weeks of nightly readings of Flotsam). Sam is having mixed feelings (we don't bring it up that often, but he's known for a while); he sometimes talks about things he will show or teach the baby, but the other night as I was leaving his room after snuggling in his bed for a while, he asked why I keep having babies. Just one more, Sam, I told him, our family will have you and your brother or sister. But why? he said, I don't want to have another baby, I want to be the only baby. I gave him lots of kisses and reassurance... mindful of Penelope Leach's analogies between things commonly said to first children when discussing siblings, and how such things would sound when spoken by one spouse to another ("I like having you as a wife so much that I thought I'd get another one! You can help me take care of her!") and glad we have lots of time for him to begin to work out his feelings.


twinkle-bot said...

Congratulations!! I hoped that was case after the comment about carrots over broccoli.

And that's interesting about Penelope Leach's example. No need for that now - possibly ever - but that just reminds me of how wise she is sometimes.

How are you feeling? I hope better (physically) than your pregnancy with Sam! Emotionally, I'm guessing it's really different, regardless.

Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! We hope that all will go well with your pregnancy and are both sure that Sam will be a terrific big brother :)!

Ezra said...

congrats! how nice to have a growing family. sam is going to model himself after what a cool big brother josh was when he wasn't giving noogies to Danny and Elizabeth.
ezra, neal & bri

GEB said...


My conclusion in the last few weeks is that there are significant advantages to having warm-weather babies.